Thursday, November 7, 2013

Chief of state: President Enrique

-Pena is a liked governor - he had delivered popular public works for the State of Mexico during his administration.
- His father ,Severiano Peña, was Mayor of the town of Acambay in the State of Mexico

Chief of state: President XI Jinxing

-He is living in the shadow of his father 
 praised for making neither the "leftist" nor the "rightist" mistakes

 Pranab Mukherjee
-he became prime minsiter 

Hamid kazria

he was selected as Chairman of the Interim Administration.
He was elected to help out with Afghanistan

Joachim Gauck

was born into a family of sailors
- was born in rostock 

Elizabeth II

- became queen at the age of 25
-  first on tv in 1953

Francois Hollande

 born 12 August 1954
is struggling with lowest approval ratings of any French president in 20 years

Dilma Rousseff 

born 14 December 1947
is a Brazilian politician

Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

is also Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers
is the sixth king of Saudi Arabia.

Ali Hoseini-Khamene

- He was born in Mashhad
- is known for his famouse quotes 

Shimon Peres

 was born Szymon Perski
He has represented five political parties

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