Wednesday, September 18, 2013

is it fair ?

Now what I want you to do is just look in a mirror. If you don’t have at least have one piece of Nike on there must be something wrong.  Nike is one of the most popular teams out there, their mostly known for their socks and shoes. Their so popular that their shoes can sell for up to 300 dollars. but then the real question is why would they pay their workers only 3.70 cents a day? And if 3.70 cents doesn’t seem like a lot then imagine one dollar because that’s what it was before they were forced to raise it. They were forced to pay 4 dollars but they neglected to follow that. So saving 30 cents a day doesn’t seem like much. But there’s so many people it adds up to 50,000 dollars!  The gross domestic product, the total income, of an average American is about 50,000 dollars, but the people who work for Nike in Indonesia is only about 1,100. But the worst part is that other brands seeing how successful Nike is decided to follow them so now most of the brands we love , under armor, rebook , adidas could all be doing this for all we know. So if this doesn’t fill you with disgust your crazy.  Now, look down at you Nike shoes and imagine putting yourself in one of their shoes, if they can even afford them and decide if its fair.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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