Thursday, September 19, 2013


Well mid quarters. I’m a nervous wreck. I joked around the first two weeks of school and now in failing two classes which means if I don’t get them up I don't get to play volleyball. In failing biology and, well human geo. And today when in biology the teacher gave us the test he was supposed to give us tomorrow I thought for sure that it was over. But surprisingly I did ok. And I’ve been studying all day to make sure I do well on this test tomorrow. I took down all the notes I could today and in not going to stop studying until in 100% sure that in going to get a hundred percent on that test. I was relieved today when I looked at power school and saw that I did well on my biology quiz but that didn’t get me up far enough and now in scared that when he puts in the next grades they won’t be too great. But I know in my head that I’ll be able to do it just fine. 

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