Thursday, October 31, 2013

Religion based on more practess then beliefs
Hinduism is the oldest religion


Moses and abraham were the main teahcers

Islam  - they are polytheistic.
Was formed in 2000 bc
It was founded in india

Largest in the world 2.2 billion people

Europe, the americans , south aferica

Islam is a monotheistic belief in a god or gods.. Muslims mostly live in

Quran - is their bible … they read it word for word
Fathers of Islam are called Muslims
Don’t eat pork

Monotheistic - one god
The belief is that god is the one and only -- believe it was revealed thorough Abraham Jesus and moss

Allah - he is the one and only god who should be worshiped and obeyed
Humans are not created in his image
Unmans can ask Allah for anything they want

5 pillars

Ramadan can't eat day to dawn
Ritual prayer every day fasting from food and drink must be performed from dawn to dusk during the month of Ramadan

The huge is their pilgrimage …if you're not Islam and you become it


Siddhartha Gautama

600 million


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Islam is a monotheistic belief in a god or gods.. Muslims mostly live in

Quran - is their bible … they read it word for word
Fathers of Islam are called Muslims
Don’t eat pork

Monotheistic - one god
The belief is that god is the one and only -- believe it was revealed thorough Abraham Jesus and moss

Allah - he is the one and only god who should be worshiped and obeyed
Humans are not created in his image
Unmans can ask Allah for anything they want

5 pillars

Ramadan can't eat day to dawn
Ritual prayer every day fasting from food and drink must be performed from dawn to dusk during the month of Ramadan

The huge is their pilgrimage …if you're not Islam and you become it


Siddhartha Gautama

600 million

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

 Today in human geo we went over the test and god all the right answers for the test this Friday. I did not do to great on the test so this quarter I really have to pick it up. But I think that I’ll do just fine. Then we went on to our power points that we started and my group finished and I’m ready to present it in class tomorrow. My slide was about the beliefs of Christianity. And I learned a lot of new things.  I wrote down about their main beliefs that I knew from prior knowledge and then I looked some new things up. Today’s class was also a lot of fun because we had a lot of shadows. I liked going to class today because it was a nice break from all the other tests I had to take. Can’t wait for next class and see what we’re learning about next 

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Today in human geo we started off with questions and answers studying for the test which was really help fun and we got to watch a cool video about nationalism and how someone disagreed about the normal. well anyway i learned a lot of things like

Special divisions - how they divide the space found on the earth by  establishing social economic and political control

The two groups are the sites and the Sunnis

Nationalism -  believing that your nation is better than everyone else's

Cultural characters - ideas and themes that you learn from your peers/ environment
EX: language, religion, Ethnic heritage

Language example - Arabic unites Arab world , Spanish unites the Hispanic world

Brazil is the only south American country that speaks Portuguese
English is the world speaking county

5 major religions - Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism

Ethnic background example - when one group gets powerful and another gets shames … America and Switzerland made peace

Jews Christians and Muslims say Jerusalem is their holy land.

Jews are considered sons and dependents of Abraham

Economic difference : access to water , fertile land , access to coast , and fishing rights.

and now i have everything to study and i'm ready for the test  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today in human geo I learned a lot of new things
-if two groups do not believe in the same god they will fight to the death to prove their opinion right
Ex: Jews, Christian, Muslims all believe that Jerusalem is their home land and they all fight for the land
Nationalism- the belief that your nation is superior to all others.  Cultural differences (language and Religion) Indonesia Canada (Quebec) Ireland Sudan
Spatial divisions – how we divide the livable space found on the earth by establishing social, economic, and political control.  Ex: countries, economic alliances, organization of petroleum exporting countries (open)

Economic differences - fertile land, access to coast, access to fresh water, fishing rights, natural resources, different economic philosophies.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today am human geo we looked at a slide show and took notes I learned some pretty cool stuff. The main topic was just about the world and all the different things. We learned about the three major different diversities. Ethnic heritage, language, and religion. We got into depth about all three of them and we also learned about the 5 major religions. Hinduism, budihisim, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We talked about how even though some countries are right next to each other and are the same the get in a lot of fights and sometimes even hate each other.  a example was the Shiites and Sunnis they come from the same place all have the same beliefs but they hate each other. I also learned that English is not the main language for the us which really surprised me. Today’s topic was really fun and am excited to learn more about it.

ap style

Today’s human geo was really fun, and also funny at the same time because at first the teacher didn't show up so we were just sitting talking quietly and doing homework when we finial decided it would be the right thing to do to get a teacher. So after we walk around the school a bit we can’t find anyone. So we call the office and we got a sub to come down and it turns out our teacher left us with a test that didn’t count towards our grade just to see what we knew. Downright the hardest test vie ever taken. This test was on human geography... but on an ape level! I was very proud of myself the first few pages because I did preeeetty well. Yeah then page 4 or five comes. And no no no no no i knew nothing about it. I used all my test taking skilled and the test was taking too long to I just started to pick the most logical answer. I’m not going to lie I’m pretty excited to see how I did. I really liked this because it challenged me. But it would have been a bit better if the real teacher what there.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today in human geo we didn't do too much cause it was more of just a review day for tomorrows test. i wrote down every single little thing this time because im going to get my grade up one way or another. going through i feel pretty confident that ill do great on it but i just want to be 1000% sure so ive been studying a lot. and its really pretty easy but im gonna keep on going

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Today in human geo we took a test on the movie. And I can tell you this, I studied the wrong stuff because I did not do to well. I was studying all about the part when they were in America and three fourths of the test was mostly about the background information. All together I know that I got a few of them right but most of them wrong. I just hope that I got above a passing grade because I really need it in the class. The test was about the three boy’s panther, john bail, and Daniel. I studied a lot for this test but I mostly just studied about all the things that they did in America and all the changes that they had to get used to but it was more on the history of Sudan and where they came from and the results of their actions.

A little bit of everything.

Today in human geography we started class with talking about the test we took the day before. I already knew my grade which was not very good so I expected to see all of them wrong. Looking at the front I realize that I must have been right because I only got one right on the front. And I was proud of myself, despite my overall grade, that I got every question on the back right. I was very surprised and very upset at what I saw though. Our class average was only 72 percent while the others were in the 80's. This surprised me but I also got very upset with this because I can't help but to feel this is partially my fault. Because I feel like I distract all the kids in class and get off task a lot. So I’m writing this in class right now and starting now I won’t goof off and I will try my hardest to pay attention and keep everyone else paying attention. I will also try my hardest to make this class fun but make sure everybody is still on task and my new goal is to get some grades up because I realize it is not fair that I’m making other people slack and not giving them a choice to succeed. So let me take this time out to apologize to all the students and most importantly to Mr. Schick.  Now back to the happy stuff, today I started to give all the attention I had to the teacher and I realized that by paying attention it makes class fun. We talked about the jobs they had in the movie and how it compared to the first job that our teacher had.  Today I learned that making the best of school makes it that much better. And Mr. Schick I would just like to let you know for now on I will do everything in my power to make a difference in your class.

Ps. Mr. Schick, on my honor I wrote all of this from heart and I wrote this before you told me anything about it. And also I meant everything I said in this blog 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today in human geo class we watched a movie and we will be for a while because it 90 minutes long. The movie is about a place in Africa where there was a war and many people were killed. It took place in talks about how there were many boys who had to leave their home because they gave them a chance to run or die and every kid around the age of sixteen and above were killed. And all the weapon were taking and put in prison and put to death.  The boys walked a great distance and eventually they were able to find a place where they would take care of them for three years.  Then we left off at the point where there were many people getting to move to America and given the opportunity to try and make it in the real world and live a real life out of poverty