Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A little bit of everything.

Today in human geography we started class with talking about the test we took the day before. I already knew my grade which was not very good so I expected to see all of them wrong. Looking at the front I realize that I must have been right because I only got one right on the front. And I was proud of myself, despite my overall grade, that I got every question on the back right. I was very surprised and very upset at what I saw though. Our class average was only 72 percent while the others were in the 80's. This surprised me but I also got very upset with this because I can't help but to feel this is partially my fault. Because I feel like I distract all the kids in class and get off task a lot. So I’m writing this in class right now and starting now I won’t goof off and I will try my hardest to pay attention and keep everyone else paying attention. I will also try my hardest to make this class fun but make sure everybody is still on task and my new goal is to get some grades up because I realize it is not fair that I’m making other people slack and not giving them a choice to succeed. So let me take this time out to apologize to all the students and most importantly to Mr. Schick.  Now back to the happy stuff, today I started to give all the attention I had to the teacher and I realized that by paying attention it makes class fun. We talked about the jobs they had in the movie and how it compared to the first job that our teacher had.  Today I learned that making the best of school makes it that much better. And Mr. Schick I would just like to let you know for now on I will do everything in my power to make a difference in your class.

Ps. Mr. Schick, on my honor I wrote all of this from heart and I wrote this before you told me anything about it. And also I meant everything I said in this blog 

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