Thursday, October 24, 2013


Today in human geo we started off with questions and answers studying for the test which was really help fun and we got to watch a cool video about nationalism and how someone disagreed about the normal. well anyway i learned a lot of things like

Special divisions - how they divide the space found on the earth by  establishing social economic and political control

The two groups are the sites and the Sunnis

Nationalism -  believing that your nation is better than everyone else's

Cultural characters - ideas and themes that you learn from your peers/ environment
EX: language, religion, Ethnic heritage

Language example - Arabic unites Arab world , Spanish unites the Hispanic world

Brazil is the only south American country that speaks Portuguese
English is the world speaking county

5 major religions - Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism

Ethnic background example - when one group gets powerful and another gets shames … America and Switzerland made peace

Jews Christians and Muslims say Jerusalem is their holy land.

Jews are considered sons and dependents of Abraham

Economic difference : access to water , fertile land , access to coast , and fishing rights.

and now i have everything to study and i'm ready for the test  

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