Tuesday, October 22, 2013

ap style

Today’s human geo was really fun, and also funny at the same time because at first the teacher didn't show up so we were just sitting talking quietly and doing homework when we finial decided it would be the right thing to do to get a teacher. So after we walk around the school a bit we can’t find anyone. So we call the office and we got a sub to come down and it turns out our teacher left us with a test that didn’t count towards our grade just to see what we knew. Downright the hardest test vie ever taken. This test was on human geography... but on an ape level! I was very proud of myself the first few pages because I did preeeetty well. Yeah then page 4 or five comes. And no no no no no i knew nothing about it. I used all my test taking skilled and the test was taking too long to I just started to pick the most logical answer. I’m not going to lie I’m pretty excited to see how I did. I really liked this because it challenged me. But it would have been a bit better if the real teacher what there.

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